Friday Favorites with Four Points Mom (9-1-2017)

Friday Favorites with Four Points Mom (9-1-2017)


It’s here!  It’s finally here!



Yes, September has finally graced us with her presence.  Growing up in Texas, the beginning of September was always an exciting time for me.  It marked the start of school, football season (high school football controlled my social calendar for several years until college football took over), and the very tiny beginning of a shift towards cooler weather.  As an adult, September signals the beginning of a regular schedule (and a little deserved recovery time for me), exhausted children every afternoon who pass out at bedtime, and too many of my calories spent on pumpkin spice lattes.

All in all, I am pumped for September if you can’t tell …

Now let’s jump into my Friday Favorites!

1.  The Love & Support Shown for Southeast Texas


Pray for Texas


Everywhere you turn businesses, individuals, and neighborhoods are gathering together to support those affected by Hurricane Harvey.  After the past year’s political climate seemed to split our country in half, my heart is full again.  We can and do come together when it matters.  As I mentioned in my What’s Up Wednesday post, there are so many ways you can help out no matter where you live.  I’m donating diapers today to the Texas Diaper Bank.  You can donate money here or you can send diapers (Amazon always has great prices) to this address:  5415 Bandera Road, Suite 504, San Antonio, Texas 78238.  I’m so thankful to live in a community (my small neighborhood/ my larger city/ and even my country) in which we all come together to help those in need.  Hugs to you all!


2.  First Day of School Pictures



I just LOVE first day of school pictures.  I love my kids’ pictures.  I love your kids’ pictures.  I love strangers’ pictures.  With all of the sadness I felt about the floods, I really needed the pick-me-up that back to school photos brought.

Our first day of school should have been Monday, but school was postponed due to the heavy raining and fear of floods near the school.  So, we tried again on Tuesday.



Here’s Foster attempting a Muscle Man pose (on his own).  His Uncle Dan is a bodybuilder and apparently Foster has goals of becoming just like him one day.  😉



Since Parker only goes to school on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, Tuesday wasn’t her actual first day of school.



Yes, cue the tears and “I want to go to school!!!” screams as I literally dragged her out of Foster’s classroom at drop-off.  And it continued the. whole. way. home.  Sigh.  But she does love her brother.



I’m not going to get cooperation much longer on those “kiss your sister” photo requests … sniff sniff.  I’m sure I’ll get plenty more of these “do not strangle your sister” photos though.



And here’s Foster at school with one of his new BFFs, Gray.



And in case you’re worrying about poor Parker and how she survived the day without her brother.  She was immediately treated to some playground one-on-one time.  🙂



Sad girl + Sun Tree Park = Happy Girl

We also took “first day” photos on Tuesday for Parker.



And Foster specifically requested a video, apparently to show off his new dance moves.  SMH.  This kid is hysterical.



And I love this one.  She literally almost fell backwards because the backpack is so heavy.  Poor thing!



Parker walked right in and got to “work.”



I love that both of my kids love school so much!

And, as a side note, I’m really struggling with getting out the door this week without losing my patience and screaming slightly raising my voice at my children.  I need help!  Any tips for me would be greatly appreciated!



3.  Random Family Moments

My husband had a random afternoon off yesterday and we spend a couple hours on the lake.  It was wonderful!  We were practically the only ones out enjoying the beautiful afternoon.  We even ate at Hula Hut.  I’m a sucker for chips and salsa and margaritas, so it was pretty much the perfect day.


4.  Labor Day Weekend Plans

Making welcome kits is now my new priority for this weekend.  Austin Disaster Relief Network needs 5,000 – 6,000 of them!  I’m heading to Target and I’m going to stock up on these supplies so that evacuees have something to help them transition to this new temporary norm.

We’re also having a date night and buying Foster’s first soccer gear.  Eek!  I’m officially a soccer mom.


Okay, that’s it for today’s Friday Favorites.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!




